Web-Based Classification, smarter with AI power into visuals

Web-Based Classification

Web-Based Classification
Web-Based Classification: Scanning station

Web-Based Classification: Scanning station

Web-Based Classification can be added to all document scanners your project require. In brief, our Intelligent Transformation Platform can judge scanning quality with innovative technologies. For example, document parts can be recognized based on their detected classification. In essence, that’s what we call intelligent scanning!

Scan review

With EasyVerify you optimize your scanning process from the start. Ensure the quality of document scanning in an automated, innovative way. First, you get used to a web scanning interface based on more than 20 years scanning experience. Next, you check document quality and completeness in one quick overview with the help of different view options and full keyboard support. Hence, you can start document classification with confidence!

Web-Based Classification: Document processing

Document processing

Use our intelligent document scanning algorithms to get the best results out of your document scanning project. What is more, you can use EasyVerify Web-Based Classification autonomy for your web scan project. However, we wouldn’t stop you from using our less expensive document processing technology!  On the contrary, when you have a large scale project you can count on more than document classification, logical pricing is where you can count on us too!

Exception review

When for some logical reason exceptions raise during the document process, these can be handled in an intuitive way by our web-scan interface. Moreover, you can add as many users as you like to the system without additional costs. Lastly, by connecting databases and business rules, handling of process exceptions has never been so easy.

EasyData Web-Based Classification: Document export

Web-Based Classification: Document export

Whatever your destination might be, we take care of the export. As for our platform it’s the same, whether your objective is scanning to disclose certain data for a library or archive cleaning for GDPR purposes, for us you are special and no routine. That is why we handle all request personally and with respect to your data. I.e., EasyData Web-Based Classification enables you enjoyment of professionalism on the field of document handling! EasyVerify is designed to help you to work efficient. Our connector will take care of the export.