Process optimization, the Answer for Productivity

Process optimization, the Answer for Productivity

PDF conversion and e-invoicing

PDF conversion and e-invoicing without hassle

PPDF conversion and electronic invoicing, both are possible with PDFCommunicator, a PDF converter with options. Think of a solution that can make a significant contribution to modernizing your administrative processes within your existing administrative work processes. Our experience in the field of process optimization, listening to our users, has resulted in this unique product. A solution that converts PDFs to Excel, XML, or any other format necessary to rid your process of steps and errors.

Do more with fewer applications

PDFCommunicator enables you to translate PDFs into Excel documents, giving you more insight into your purchasing and sales processes. We all know those PDFs with a table that we would like to see right in Excel without any hassle. Now you can with PDFCommunicator! You can even write the information as separate data to your database. That data can then be used in applications that can function more effectively with exactly that information. You can read how all this works in this article with references to the pages that deal with the subject in question.

UBL invoices, how difficult can that be?

A UBL invoice is easy to create with PDFCommunicator. You may think a UBL invoice, what exactly is that? That matter is explained in this article. Why you would like a UBL invoice is described in this article and you certainly don’t have to read it all to get a better understanding. If you are interested in this subject, we advise you to watch the video at the top of that page. That video tells in a playful way the convenience of UBL, the standard for E-Invoicing, which our government also actively advises.

Why those references to UBL and e-invoicing?

We think it would be better to split the invoice recognition capabilities into separate parts. With this we split the invoice recognition process into transparent and understandable parts. Do you just want a presentation of the possibilities with your invoices in the leading role? Then contact us!

PDF Converter
XML conversion

The best tool for XML conversion

We simply put it this way, if you want to turn a PDF into an XML, PDFCommunicator is simply your best choice. Not free, in principle not Online. Although we can provide that. First of all, we present you a solution that gives you exactly the XML you are looking for! So no endless tampering with data that ultimately does not end up in the right place. We guarantee you the right XML with exactly the XML qualifications you want! More information how PDFCommunicator solves your XML problem can be read in this article. Together with some background information what exactly an XML is.

Don’t want to gain XML wisdom but convert XML’s?

That is also possible, you are probably already an expert with online XML ‘free’ conversion websites and are willing to share information with us. Once we have received an example PDF with your desired XML schema, we are often able to convert immediately in exactly the way you had in mind.

PDF conversion to Excel

Once the free PDF to Excel conversion technology is enough for you, PDFCommunicator is not what you are looking for. Do you want to see 25 years of experience in document conversion and Excel table analysis reflected in an affordable solution? Then you’ve come to the right place for a solution that you can even use on your desktop. PDFCommunicator gives you exactly the tables you would like to see analysed. An additional advantage is that you do not have to share the knowledge, your PDF source documents, with unknown servers and cloud services.

Convert PDF to Excel, as an application or service

PDFCommunicator has unique EasyData Technology under the hood, knowledge, experience and the ambition to always innovate towards affordable applications can be found in this PDF Converter. Installations are mainly known as server services that run on servers. These are environments that the daily user does not need to know about. The basic version of PDFCommunicator just installs on your desktop! Depending on the desired use, PDFCommunicator can grow into a server application that periodically converts PDF price lists to Excel or places this data directly in a database.

Excel conversion
Document conversion

Document conversion

PDFCommunicator is our digital business card in the field of document conversion. The installation includes a number of smart algorithms as standard that certainly facilitate daily use with unwilling PDFs. It doesn’t stop there, we see the technology in PDFCommunicator as the start of more simplicity for your work processes. Consider, for example, our digital transformation platform EasySeparate, which can take work off your hands in both the (Private) Cloud and On Premisse. That is the core our technology fits in with the existing structure.

Convert documents in a workflow

In the more extensive installations, PDFCommunicator is linked to EasySeparate. In that case, document conversion becomes part of a more complete workflow. The pleasure is that the architecture of all our products is modular and broadly oriented to linking with other applications.

Invoice Processing with XML

Invoice Processing with XML

Smart & Unique

Innovative PDF & XML Invoice Processing has a range of features that allow you to create PDFs using the popular UBL XML. The original documents remain unchanged!

Formatting the table for numbers and words each time in the proper format. Trial version is available. An optimum combination of the price and quality.


The best solution for small businesses where invoices for clients are generated in PDF with XML. Invoice Processing on a larger scale is performed by the Batch processing module. And so on, up to the high-end server installation!

Add automatically attachments to the generated PDF. All done in a simple and straightforward conversion process.

You need more?

Improve efficiency by checking
document content for errors. It can
be done with the scripting module for Invoice Processing or other document handling workflows.
Auto assistance within your digital
Document Workflows.

Use different organization lay-outs
for your PDF documents or use
watermarks to distinguish your
valued correspondence.

Invoice Processing: automate your routine procedures

Automate your routine procedures